English version below
Početak 2025. godine obeležilo je odsustvo etike u izveštavanju provladinih medija o studentskim protestima. Tema ovomesečnog monitoringa jesu najeklatantniji primeri takvog izveštavanja, ali i oni drugi, pozitivni primeri koji su rezultirali negativnim posledicama.
U monitoringu se prate efekti analize „’Digitalni zatvor’ ー Nadzor i represija civilnog društva u Srbiji”, koju je objavio Amnesty International 16.12.2024. godine. Eksperti za bezbednost u kompaniji Google potvrdili su nalaze iz analize i identifikovali dodatan značajan broj kompromitovanih uređaja iz kojih su uklonili špijunski softver.
Ni u januaru medijski radnici nisu bili pošteđeni pretnji i pritisaka. Medijska udruženja i asocijacije tim povodm izrazile su duboku zabrinutost. Pretnje su bile upućene Brankici Stanković, glavnoj i odgovornoj urednici Insajder TV, Radmilu Markoviću, novinaru redakcija BIRN i Vreme, Slavko Ćuruvija fondaciji, novinarima nedeljnika Radar i portala Glas Šumadije, redakciji portala Magločistač, Marku Vidojkoviću i Nenadu Kulačinu, autorima podkasta Dobar, loš, zao. Pripadnici žandarmerije grubo su se odnosili prema snimatelju i novinarki TV N1 Draganu Vukeliću i Kseniji Pavkov. Intervencijama pripadnika policije i žandarmerije ispred Gradske kuće u Novom Sadu bili su izloženi Dragana Prica, novinarka Radija 021, Ksenija Pavkov, novinarka TV N1, Aleksandar Latas, novinar lista Danas, Darko Eker, snimatelj TV Nova S, i novinar Žarko Bogosavljević. Nepoznati muškarac uznemiravao je Anu Mariju Ivković, urednicu i novinarku portala Alternativa. Zorana Kesića, novinara i televizijskog voditelja, targetirali su brojnim grafitima kojima su išarali objekte širom Beograda.
Tema monitoringa bili su i ishod procesa za izbore članova Saveta REM-a, kao i nedostaci Pravilnika o načinu uspostavljanja i sadržini Jedinstvenog informacionog sistema za sprovođenje i praćenje sufinansiranja projekata u oblasti javnog informisanja (JIS).
Neizostavan segment monitoringa čine i tužbe koje imaju karakter SLAPP-a. Ovoga puta reč je o tužbama koje je Jelena Tanasković, nekadašnja ministarka i jedna od optuženih u slučaju pada nadstrešnice u Novom Sadu, podnela protiv glavnog urednika, novinarki portala KRIK i udruženja koje je osnivač ovog medija.
O svemu tome možete pročitati u Monitoringu medijske scene u Srbiji za januar 2025. godine.
Ova publikacija objavljena je uz finansijsku pomoć Evropske unije i Norveške i Balkanskog fonda za demokratiju, projekta Nemačkog Maršalovog fonda SAD. Za njegovu sadržinu isključivo je odgovorna Asocijacija nezavisnih elektronskih medija i ta sadržina nužno ne izražava zvanične stavove Evropske unije, vlade Norveške, Nemačkog Maršalovog fonda i Balkanskog fonda za demokratiju.
Ovaj Monitoring izveštaj uradio je stručni monitoring tim iz advokatske kancelarije „Savović", u saradnji sa ANEM-om.
ANEM monitoring report for January 2025 on freedom of expression, old and new regulations and analysis of SLAPP lawsuits
The beginning of 2025 was marked by the absence of ethics in pro-government media reporting on student protests. The topic of this month's monitoring are the most blatant examples of such reporting, but also those other, positive examples that resulted in negative consequences.
The monitoring follows the effects of the analysis "'Digital prison' ー Surveillance and repression of civil society in Serbia", published by Amnesty International on December 16, 2024. Security experts at Google confirmed the findings from the analysis and identified an additional significant number of compromised devices from which they removed the spyware.
Even in January, media workers were not spared threats and pressure. Media and journalist associations expressed deep concern regarding threats addressed to Brankica Stanković, the editor-in-chief of Insider TV, Radmilo Marković, a journalist from the BIRN and Vreme newsrooms, the Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation, journalists from the Radar weekly and the Glas Šumadije portal, the editorial staff of the Magločistač portal, Marko Vidojković and Nenad Kulačin, the authors of “The Good, the Bad, the Evil” podcast. Members of the gendarmerie treated roughly TV N1 cameraman and journalist Dragan Vukelić and Ksenija Pavkov. Dragana Prica, Radio 021 journalist, Ksenija Pavkov, TV N1 journalist, Aleksandar Latas, Danas journalist, Darko Eker, TV Nova S cameraman, and journalist Žarko Bogosavljević were exposed to the interventions of members of the police and gendarmerie in front of the City Hall in Novi Sad. An unknown man harassed Ana Marija Ivković, editor and journalist of the Alternativa portal. Zoran Kesić, a journalist and television presenter, was targeted with numerous graffiti that were painted on buildings throughout Belgrade.
The topic of monitoring was the outcome of the process for the election of REM Council members, as well as the shortcomings of the Rulebook on the manner of establishing and content of the Unified Information System for the implementation and monitoring of co-financing of projects in the field of public information (JIS).
Lawsuits that have the character of SLAPP are also an indispensable segment of monitoring. This time we are talking about the lawsuits filed by Jelena Tanasković, a former minister and one of the defendants in the case of the roof falling in Novi Sad, against the editor-in-chief, journalists of the KRIK portal and the association that is the founder of said media.
You can read about all that in the Monitoring of the media scene in Serbia for January 2025.
This publication was published with the financial support of the European Union and Norway and the Balkan Fund for Democracy, a project of the German Marshall Fund of the USA. The Association of Independent Electronic Media is solely responsible for its content, and that content does not necessarily express the official views of the European Union, the Government of Norway, the German Marshall Fund and the Balkan Fund for Democracy.
This Monitoring Report was prepared by expert monitoring team from the law office "Savović" in cooperation with ANEM.