English verion below
Monitoring medijske scene izrađuje se s ciljem kontinuiranog praćenja događaja i procesa koji utiču na stanje medijskih sloboda u Republici Srbiji. Autori monitoringa bave se: slobodom izražavanja; praćenjem implementacije postojećih propisa; usvajanjem novih propisa, ali i izmenama i dopunama aktuelnih, kako iz oblasti medija, tako i iz drugih oblasti koje na direktan ili indirektan način utiču na slobodu medija; kao i analizom SLAPP tužbi (strateških tužbi protiv učešća javnosti) usmerenih prema novinarima i medijima.
Sloboda izražavanja
Povodom Međunarodnog dana borbe protiv nekažnjvosti za zločine nad novinarima, Evropska federacija novinara (EFJ) pozvala je države da preduzmu konkretne mere za okončanje nekažnjivosti ovih zločina, kojih u Srbiji ima dva – slučaj Slavka Ćuruvije i slučaj Milana Pantića. Aleksandra Kapri iz organizacije Freedom House, predstavila je u Srbiji nov izveštaj pod nazivom „Nacije u tranzitu’’, čija je ona koautorka, a koji se bavi stanjem demokratije u 29 zemalja od Centralne Evrope do Centralne Azije, uključujući i države Zapadnog Balkana. Izveštaj za novembar mesec detaljnije obrađuje slučaj Srđana Nonića, urednika portala Niška Inicijativa, slučaj redakcije Danas, slučaj Danijela Radića, vlasnika televizije KTV, slučaj Nenada Živadinovića, novinara portala Ritam grada, a detaljno su analizirani i slučajevi diskriminacije medija i ograničavanje slobode javnog informisanja, u vezi sa medijima N1, Nova S i RDP 021.
Monitoring procesa usvajanja novih zakona
Novembar je prvi mesec koji je počeo sa usvojenim novim medijskim zakonima na snazi. Izveštaj o sprovedenoj javnoj raspravi o Nacrtu zakona o elektronskim medijima objavljen je na sajtu Ministarstva informisanja i telekomunikacija, čime je otkriveno je da je iza predloga određenih spornih odredaba stajala kompanija „Telekom”. Aktuelne teme za raspravu i procenu efikasnosti zakonskih rešenja su Savet REM-a, usklađenost sa Medijskom strategijom, kao i dodatne mere za ostvarivanje prava osoba sa invaliditetom predviđene novim Zakonom o elektronskim medijima, koje između ostalog uključuju i preciziranje mera za prilagođavanje programa osobama sa oštećenim vidom i sluhom.
Implementacija postojećih propisa
Kada je u pitanju projektno sufinansiranje, lokalna vlast u opštini Inđija je u novembru rešila da rebalansom budžeta poveća iznos namenjen za ostvarivanje i unapređivanje javnog interesa u oblasti javnog informisanja i to za 6 miliona dinara, uz obrazloženje da će novac biti opredeljen po odluci predsednika opštine Inđija, Vladimira Gaka, jer vremena za konkurs nema. Izveštaj za novembar mesec sadrži analizu zakonitosti ovakve odluke, kao i analizu uslova za dodelu sredstava na ime pojedinačnih davanja. Povodom spornog pitanja, upit o slobodnom pristupu informacijama od javnog značaja koje se odnose na to kome i iz kog razloga su namenjena dodatna sredstva su načelnici finansija, Branki Naić uputili pravna služba Nezavisnog udruženja novinara Srbije (NUNS) i IN Medija. Dodatno, navedeni su ukupni iznosi i način raspodele sredstava od strane Komisije za ocenu projekata na konkursu za sufinansiranje medija u Zrenjaninu, kao i koja sredstva su dodeljena medijima od strane Subotice.
SLAPP tužbe usmerene prema novinarima i medijima
Analizirana je publikacija ,,SLAPP tužbe – mehanizam za ućutkivanje javnosti” objavljena krajem novembra, a koja je nastala u okviru projekta ,,Povećanje javne svesti o SLAPP tuz bama u Srbiji, Crnoj Gori i Bosni i Hercegovini” realizovanog od strane Nezavisnog društva novinara Vojvodine (NDNV), u saradnji sa partnerskim organizacijama Helsinški parlament građana Banja Luka (hCa) i Institut za medije Crne Gore (MMI). Ističe se da taj projekat nastoji da ukaže na negativan uticaj SLAPP tužbi na slobodu govora i slobodu medija.
Medijski monitoring objavljen je uz finansijsku pomoć Evropske unije i Ministarstva informisanja i telekomunikacija. Za njegovu sadržinu isključivo je odgovorna Asocijacija nezavisnih elektronskih medija i ta sadržina nipošto ne izražava zvanične stavove Evropske unije i Ministarstva informisanja i telekomunikacija.
Ovaj Monitoring Izveštaj uradio je stručni monitoring tim ANEM-a iz advokatske kancelarije „Živković&Samardžić", u saradnji sa ANEM-om, a celokupan se može pronaći na ovom linku.
ANEM monitoring report for November 2023 on freedom of expression, old and new regulations and analysis of SLAPP lawsuits
Monitoring of the media scene is carried out with the aim of continuous monitoring of events and processes that affect the state of media freedom in the Republic of Serbia. The authors of the monitoring deal with: freedom of expression; monitoring the implementation of existing regulations; by adopting new regulations, but also by amending and supplementing the current ones, both from the field of media, and from other areas that directly or indirectly affect the freedom of the media; as well as by analyzing SLAPP lawsuits (strategic lawsuits against public participation) directed against journalists and media.
Freedom of expression
On the occasion of the International Day Against Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) called on countries to take concrete measures to end impunity for these crimes, of which there are two in Serbia - the case of Slavko Ćuruvija and the case of Milan Pantić. Aleksandra Karppi from the Freedom House organization, presented in Serbia a new report entitled "Nations in Transit", which she co-authored, and which deals with the state of democracy in 29 countries from Central Europe to Central Asia, including the countries of the Western Balkans. The report for the month of November deals in more detail with the case of Srđan Nonić, editor of the Niš Initiative portal, the case of the Danas newsroom, the case of Danijel Radić, owner of KTV television, the case of Nenad Živadinović, journalist of the Ritam grada portal, and cases of media discrimination and restriction of freedom of public information are also analyzed in detail. in connection with the media N1, Nova S and RDP 021.
Monitoring the process of adopting new laws
November is the first month that started with the adoption of new media laws in force. The report on the public debate on the Draft Law on Electronic Media was published on the website of the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications, which revealed that the company "Telekom" was behind the proposals for certain controversial provisions. Current topics for discussion and evaluation of the effectiveness of legal solutions are the REM Council, compliance with the Media Strategy, as well as additional measures for exercising the rights of persons with disabilities provided for in the new Law on Electronic Media, which include, among other things, the specification of measures for adapting programs to persons with disabilities sight and hearing.
Implementation of existing regulations
When it comes to project co-financing, the local government in the municipality of Inđija decided in November to rebalance the budget to increase the amount intended for the realization and improvement of public interest in the field of public information by 6 million dinars, with the explanation that the money will be allocated by the decision of the mayor of Inđija, Vladimir Gak, because there is no time for the competition. November report contains an analysis of the legality of this decision, as well as an analysis of the conditions for the allocation of funds on behalf of individual benefits. Regarding the disputed issue, the legal service of the Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia (NUNS) and IN Media sent an inquiry about free access to information of public importance regarding to whom and for what reason the additional funds are intended. In addition, the total amounts and method of distribution of funds by the Commission for the evaluation of projects in the competition for co-financing of the media in Zrenjanin, as well as which funds were allocated to the media by Subotica, are listed.
SLAPP lawsuits directed at journalists and the media
The publication "SLAPP lawsuits - a mechanism for silencing the public" was analyzed in this report. Published at the end of November, the publication was created as part of the project "Increasing public awareness of SLAPP lawsuits in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina" realized by the Independent Association of Journalists of Vojvodina (NDNV), in cooperation with partner organizations Helsinki Citizens' Parliament of Banja Luka (hCa) and Media Institute of Montenegro (MMI). It is emphasized that the project seeks to highlight the negative impact of SLAPP lawsuits on freedom of speech and freedom of the media.
Media monitoring was published with the financial support of the European Union and the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications. The Association of Independent Electronic Media is solely responsible for its content, and that content in no way expresses the official views of the European Union and the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications.
This Monitoring Report was prepared by ANEM's expert monitoring team from the law office "Živković & Samardžić" in cooperation with ANEM, and the entire report can be found at this link.