English version below
Monitoring medijske scene u Srbiji za mesec jul posvećen je slučajevima pritisaka kojima su bili izloženi novinarka Tamara Skrozza, zamenica glavnog urednika novinske agencije FoNet, i novinar Srđana Škoro i televizija KTV. Pritiske su trpeli zbog svojih izjava, netačno i vrlo tendenciozno interpretiranih, izjava koje su pratila problematična saopštenja Ministarstva informisanja i telekomunikacija.
Pritiscima nisu bili izloženi samo oni, zato se u Monitoringu može čitati i o onim pritiscima kojima su bili izloženi novinari u Kosovskoj Mitrovici, u gradu u kom novinarima preti opasnost i od nedavno usvojenog Zakona o Nezavisnoj komisiji za medije. Vandalizam prema mediju OK Radio nije se zaustavio, te je pažnja posvećena i krivičnoj prijavi koju je Dejan Nikolić Kantar, trenutno na izdržavanju zatvorske kazne zbog pretnji upućenih vlasnici i zaposlenoj u tom mediju, podneo protiv Verana Matića, zbog navodnog izvršenja dela Ometanje pravde.
U monitoringu je bilo reči i o spotu vrlo spornog sadržaja, koji je isprva bio objavljen u tabloidima, a potom i u medijima sa nacionalnom frekvencijom. Tim spotom se mediji koji kritički izveštavaju o aktuelnoj vlasti, kao i sagovornici tih medija, optužuju da vode kampanju protiv predsednika Republike Srbije.
Slučaj beloruskog novinara Andreja Gnjota, tužba Ratka Romića, nekadašnjeg pripadnika DB-a, upućena Slavko Ćuruvija fondaciji, tužba Miroslava Kuraka, nekadašnjeg pripadnika DB-a, upućena redakciji NIN-a, bekstvo lica kom je bila određena mera Zabrana napuštanja stana uz elektronski nadzor zbog toga što je, po sopstvenom priznanju tužilaštvu, pretilo Ani Lalić — u monitoringu su našli važno mesto.
Izvan pažnje nisu ostale uočene nepravilnosti u procesu projektnog sufinansiranja, pregled statistike Vrhovnog javnog tužilaštva tokom 2024. godine u vezi sa slučajevima napada na novinare, statistika Nezavisnog udruženja novinara Srbije o zabeleženom broju napada na novinare, izveštaj NUNS i OBC Transeuropa (OBCT) "Vladavina prava i sloboda medija u Srbiji: Izveštaj iz senke za 2024. godinu" i izveštaj o vladavini prava u 2024. godini koji je sačinila Evropska komisija.
O svemu tome možete pročitati u Monitoringu medijske scene u Srbiji za jul 2024. godine.
Ova publikacija objavljena je uz finansijsku pomoć Evropske unije i Ministarstva informisanja i telekomunikacija Republike Srbije. Za sadržinu ove publikacije isključivo je odgovorna Asocijacija nezavisnih elektronskih medija i ta sadržina nipošto ne izražava zvanične stavove Evropske unije i Ministarstva informisanja i telekomunikacija.
Ovaj Monitoring izveštaj uradio je stručni monitoring tim ANEM-a iz advokatske kancelarije „Savović", u saradnji sa ANEM-om.
The monitoring of the media scene in Serbia for the month of July is dedicated to the cases of pressure to which the journalist Tamara Skrozza, deputy editor-in-chief of the news agency FoNet, and journalist Srđan Škoro and KTV television were exposed. They suffered pressure because of their statements, interpreted incorrectly and very tendentially, statements that were followed by problematic announcements from the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications.
They were not the only ones exposed to pressure, that is why in the Monitoring report you can also read about the pressures to which journalists were exposed in Kosovska Mitrovica, a city where journalists are also threatened by the recently adopted Law on the Independent Media Commission. The vandalism towards OK Radio did not stop, and attention was also paid to the criminal complaint that Dejan Nikolić Kantar, who is currently serving a prison sentence for threatening the owner and employee of that media, filed against Veran Matić for allegedly committing Obstruction of Justice.
In the Monitoring Report, there was also talk about a video with very controversial content, which was first published in tabloids, and then in the media with a national frequency. With that video, the media that critically report on the current government, as well as the interlocutors of those media, are accused of running a campaign against the President of the Republic of Serbia.
The case of the Belarusian journalist Andrei Gnyot, the lawsuit of Ratko Romić, a former member of the state Security Intelligence Agency, against the Slavko Ćuruvija Foundation, the lawsuit of Miroslav Kurak, also a former member of the SIA, against the editorial office of NIN, the escape of a person who was ordered not to leave the apartment because, according to the person's own admission before the prosecution, he threatened Ana Lalić Hegediš - all found an important place in the Monitoring Report.
The Report also considers irregularities in the process of project co-financing, the review of the statistics of the Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office during 2024 regarding cases of attacks on journalists, the statistics of NUNS on the recorded number of attacks on journalists, the report of NUNS and OBC Transeuropa (OBCT) "Government rights and freedom of the media in Serbia: Report from the shadows for the year 2024" and the report on the rule of law in 2024 prepared by the European Commission.
About all that you can read in the Monitoring of the media scene in Serbia for July 2024.
Media monitoring was published with the financial support of the European Union and the Ministry of Information and Telecommunication of the Republic of Serbia. The Association of Independent Electronic Media is solely responsible for its content, and that content in no way expresses the official views of the European Union and the Ministry of Information and Telecommunication.
This Monitoring Report was prepared by ANEM's expert monitoring team from the law office "Savović" in cooperation with ANEM.