Objavljeno: 14.11.2024.

Monitoring izveštaj ANEM-a za septembar 2024. godine o slobodi izražavanja, starim i novim propisima i analizom SLAPP tužbi

Ilustracija: Adrian Converse na Unsplash-u Ilustracija: Adrian Converse na Unsplash-u

English version below

Septembarski Monitoring medijske scene donosi ključne zaključke "Izveštaja Evropske komisije o napretku Srbije za 2024. godinu". Čitaoci se mogu informisati o problemima na medijskoj sceni u Republici Srbiji na koje je, tokom sastanka sa Dejanom Ristićem, Ministrom informisanja i telekomunikacija u Vladi RS, ukazala Maja Sever, predsednica Evropske federacije novinara.

U Monitoringu je bilo reči i o izveštaju koji je, u prvoj  polovini septembra, načinila Platforma za brzo reagovanje na kršenje medijskih sloboda (MFRR), podršci koju je, početkom septembra, organizacija PEN International pružila Nenadu Kulačinu, novinaru i koautoru podkasta "Dobar, loš, zao", medijskoj kampanji vođenoj protiv novinara portala KRIK, neosnovanoj zabrani zbog koje novinarka Pištaljke nije mogla da prisustvuje otvaranju ponuda za kupovinu državnog preduzeća Jugoslovensko rečno brodarstvo (JRB), pretnjama kojima su bile izložene novinarka Jelena S. Spasić i novinska agencija Tanjug. Monitoring prati i sudbinu Andreja Gnjota, beloruskog novinara, režisera i političkog aktiviste, slučaj nestalih spisa u predmetu OK radija, potragu za licem koje je priznalo da je pretilo novinarki Ani Lalić Hegediš. 

Posebno poglavlje Monitoringa posvećeno je obeležavanju godišnjica ubistava i nestanaka novinara sa Kosova.

Problemi u procesu projektnog sufinansiranja, prvostepeni epilog jedne od sedam tužbi podnetih protiv Verice Marinčići, urednice portala INMedija, pravnosnažno okončanje krivičnog postupka koji se, zbog navodnog neovlašćenog prikupljanja ličnih podataka, po tužbi Nikole Petrovića, kuma Predsednika Republike Srbije i nekadašnjeg direktora javnog preduzeća Elektromreže Srbije, vodio protiv urednika BIRN-a Milorada Ivanovića i novinarke Jelene Veljković — našli su svoje mesto u ovomesečnom monitoringu.

O svemu tome možete pročitati u Monitoringu medijske scene u Srbiji za septembar 2024. godine.

Ova publikacija objavljena je uz finansijsku pomoć Evropske unije i Ministarstva informisanja i telekomunikacija Republike Srbije. Za sadržinu ove publikacije isključivo je odgovorna Asocijacija nezavisnih elektronskih medija i ta sadržina nipošto ne izražava zvanične stavove Evropske unije i Ministarstva informisanja i telekomunikacija.

Ovaj Monitoring izveštaj uradio je stručni monitoring tim iz advokatske kancelarije „Savović", u saradnji sa ANEM-om.


The September Monitoring of the media scene brings the key conclusions of the "Report of the European Commission on the progress of Serbia for the year 2024". Readers can find out about the problems on the media scene in the Republic of Serbia, which were pointed out by Maja Sever, president of the European Federation of Journalists, during her meeting with Dejan Ristic, Minister of Information and Telecommunications in the Government of the RS.

Monitoring also discussed the report made in the first half of September by the Platform for Rapid Response to Media Freedom Violations (MFRR); the support that, at the beginning of September, the organization PEN International provided to Nenad Kulačin, journalist and co-author of the podcast "the Good, the Bad, the Evil"; the media campaign conducted against the journalists of the KRIK portal; the unfounded ban due to which the "Pištaljka" journalist could not attend the opening of bids for the purchase of the state company Yugoslav River Shipping (JRB); threats to which the journalist Jelena S. Spasić and the news agency Tanjug were exposed. Monitoring also follows the fate of Andrei Gnyot, a Belarusian journalist, director and political activist; the case of missing files in the case of OK Radio; the search for the person who admitted to threatening journalist Ana Lalić Hegediš.

A special chapter of Monitoring is dedicated to marking the anniversaries of murders and disappearances of journalists from Kosovo.

In chapters on current and new laws and the state of SLAPP lawsuits against media, the monitoring records problems in the project co-financing process, first instance epilogue of one of the seven lawsuits filed against Verica Marinčić, INMedija portal editor, the termination of the criminal proceedings, which were initiated by Nikola Petrović, one of the closest friends of the Serbian President and the former director of the public company Elektromreža Srbije against BIRN editor Milorad Ivanović and journalist Jelena Veljković due to the alleged unauthorized collection of personal data.

You can read about all that in the Monitoring of the media scene in Serbia for September 2024.

Media monitoring was published with the financial support of the European Union and the Ministry of Information and Telecommunication of the Republic of Serbia. The Association of Independent Electronic Media is solely responsible for its content, and that content in no way expresses the official views of the European Union and the Ministry of Information and Telecommunication.

This Monitoring Report was prepared by expert monitoring team from the law office "Savović" in cooperation with ANEM.

